Mercy Bezanilla

Mercy always felt an attraction to a career in customer service. She started out at a mortgage loan processing office. There she guided home buyers through the process and made sure they were properly set up when buying their home. When the housing market crash came in 2008, she found herself at a crossroads. Still wanting to help people during important decisions, Mercy found Financial Designs and decided that it was the best fit for her. The client first culture was the perfect fit for her skill set.   

Starting at an entry level position, she is now director of new business. As director, Mercy helps with onboarding clients, assuring that their experience attaining employee benefits is smooth & that they are understanding the ins & outs of their policy. Even after completion, she enjoys being available for clients, helping them sort any issues that may arise. Her focus is on building relationships that last long beyond the initial sale. To her, the greatest accomplishment is a client expressing their gratitude for her work. Whether with her team or with clients, Mercy acts through empathy.

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