Jessica Valdes

Jessica graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations as well as minors in Business Administration & Marketing. Upon graduating, she entered the Teach for America program. Passionate about empowering those in need, she spent the next two years serving her community. She credits her experience in the program with helping her understand how to break down and simplify complicated concepts. It’s that experience now guides her when educating both employers and employees about their benefits packages. 

Upon finishing her time in Teach For America, Jessica felt the time was right to return to Financial Designs. Having previously held a multitude of roles in the company, Jessica understood, from top to bottom, what it took to successfully run an employee benefits agency. Named COO, Jessica got to work streamlining operations and increasing productivity. Her changes & adjustments made sure that everyone in our multi-generational staff was working at an optimal level. It’s that level of attention to detail that also helps guide her clients while choosing their benefits.

Jessica’s goal is helping employers realize the benefits of wellness-physical, mental & financial- of their employees. When your employees are thriving, your business is as well. She is committed to continuing the legacy built by her father and offering businesses a unique and catered employee benefits experience.

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