Tony Sigler

Tony understood the entrepreneurial spirit from an early age.  Before the age of 20 he was running his own venture, providing services to a variety of clients that consisted in vending machines & other entertainment equipment to a well adverse market.   Tony then in 2012 joined one of the largest automotive retailers in the United States, AutoNation. There he found success as a producer and within a short time promoted to Director of Finance. In that position, Tony refined his skills in leadership, budgeting, financial planning and the importance of having a well-rounded benefits package for his team.

However, by 2018, Tony felt the need for change. Seeking more autonomy and flexibility, Tony made the jump to Financial Designs knowing he would be a great fit for our culture. Excited at a new opportunity to build a new book of business, Tony applied his experience in both entrepreneurship and a corporate to build relationships with clients across various industries including freight weight, medical offices & construction companies. 

Thanks to his understanding of running a business, Tony has been able to build meaningful relationships with his clients. That empathy helps guide his clients to make the choices that make the most sense for them and their employees. Helping others with the growth of their business is just as gratifying to him as when he built his own.

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